Grades 5 - 8

As students begin to move into the Middle School years, ICT Essentials helps to provide an interactive and fun way to connect various disciplines. Through team teaching, ICT can help students see how studying the Civil War could connect Social Science and History with papers or presentations, while using a Spreadsheet in a Math class to understand troop distributions, causalities, dates, and create charts and graphs to make the information visually appealing. Or you can use each part of the ICT Essentials Suite as a standalone course to drill down deeper into skill sets. The possibilities are endless and we provide you with Professional Development to assist in finding the most beneficial ways to incorporate the curricula. All ICT Essential courses have built in lesson quizzes and activities that are tracked and graded for you, leaving you more time to spend on delivering the course material.
Success Stories

Linda Parsons
Computer Applications Teacher
Odyssey Middle School
Orlando, Florida
I have already started using lessons from the web design and programming/logic sessions. You have made it easy to teach these subjects especially for someone like me who has never taught them.
This year, I am just trying different elements trying to get a feel for all the lessons and material. But next year, I am looking forward to using them more in depth. I will be teaching 2 levels of ICT and I love the way you have broken everything down in to beginning, intermediate and advanced. In the past, I have had to teach everything at a beginning level and try to find something to keep the interest of my more advanced students who finish everything quickly. With your material, I can start those students out with a more difficult challenge while instructing the overall class at the beginning level.
I am approaching my administration in a few weeks to change my course curriculum from CAB to ICT and apply to have the funds to use your material next year. I believe your ICT material is very cutting edge for teaching technology in the classroom right now and is much better organized for use in the classroom than anything I have been using. I am looking forward to using it further. Thank you again for all your help.

Stephanie Martinez
IT Academy Instructor
Western Pines Middle School
West Palm Beach, Florida
I think the [ICT Web Design] exam will prepare [my students] for their state testing as it resembles the same platform in that the answer is not obvious, you have to choose the best answer out of the 4 multiple choices. Thanks so much for all your help.

Allison Cameron
Business Computer Application
Keyboarding Teacher
Ferry Pass Middle School
Pensacola, Florida
The [ICT Essentials Suite] training Kim gave was invaluable. I feel more confident in using this program. Kim coming and giving face-to-face training was very much needed. I normally just like webinars, but in this case, her being there and the hands on, one-to-one help we were able to get was awesome!

Alba Marzo
Computing for College and Careers &
Applications in Business and Career Planning
Lake Worth Middle School
Lake Worth, Florida
I actually love the ICT program. With CIW, I feel I have to do most of the planning and development of activities since it’s a program geared for independent study. On the other hand ICT was developed to be more for classroom instruction and all of the activities, including Bell Ringers, are there. Consequently, it is much easier on the teacher. I started using some of the lessons the first week of our training and will definitely continue to use the material.

Tina Deets
Technology Instructor
Explorer K-8
Springhill, Florida
I've been exploring the first course, computer essentials. The curriculum is solid, easily implemented with good teacher resources and background knowledge supported. Two of the classes are of particular interest to me, as I feel that acquiring these skills is essential to promote student mastery of content through technology...the word processing course, the multimedia course…and the gaming course. These are skills the kids could get excited about and use themselves within the curriculum.